Serious Relationship With CORONA

Rajini Harne

        Hewwo  ....!!!Maskman..... How are you..? And how is CORONA's situation in your city. Take care and it's a emergency if you are in public place then wash your hand.....use a mask or read....or else my blog and your phone will get CORONA Virus.....don't laugh.... Why not...that can happen.........!!! So, I am very seriously relationship in CORONA/ COVID-19....................!!!
               Let's come, Today I'll show you something dangerous epidemic, cause our one mistake can destroy us, our economic stage and social level But we are careless. for exp. everyone knows what is causes AIDS or HIV diseases. So far, both of these diseases have no drug or vaccine. Prevention is the cure.

1] Antonine Plague 
In this epidemic died 5 million people in some Asian countries, Greece, Egypt and Italy.Another name for this is Plague of Galen. Actually 145 Romanian armyman brought it to Roma and slowly slowly spread it all in Rome.Smallpox and  Measels are nicknames for this plague.

2] Plague Of Justinian 
In 541 CE_DOT_15 someone gifted some wheat and rice to Egyptian king and some rats came in gift. this rats made one epidemic and after that it spread in all over Europe, Asia, north Africa and Arebian lamds because of it totally 30 to 55 million people died.    

3] Black death
In 1347.
Today is Quarantine in our city. This system is from Europe.Basically Quarantine is by "QUARANTINO"  its Eropean word . When there was Black death named epidemic that time the people there locked  themselves in the house. As result, the situation started to improve and this Quarantine  was 1.460 days. 40 days force isolation for person, but they could not save 75 to 2000 million poeple.  

4] Smallpox
In 18 century 56 million people died by smallpox. Dr. Edward Jenner found vaccine for it and also his first experiment was successful so, WHO allowed him to treatment. After 200 years finely WHO annouced that smallpox is dead from our world in 1980. like that CORONA is one of the epidemic. 
                   But in somewhere it's madness yarr...............!!!I mean....that's joke. Do you know some people are making songs, memes, funny jokes, cartoons and only fun or fun on whats-App, Facebook, Insta or real thought.......who is CORONA...???..and what will do it..???it's illusion.............!!!We are announcing on TV, FM, Public place, other social media, caller tune about taking care of covid-19 virus  that mean doctors, social workers, government we all are lunatic, we do not have work. we can understand it's troublesome. first listen that  CORONA is not virus ya any weapon, it's the messenger of death. who is calling you, "come to near me, come". but some people are total mad, reckless this is laxity. who came from other countries, doctors  noticed them about COVID-19, but overconfidence.after doctor's information, they neglected it all and started to attending parties, public places, meetings,overall it's not enough they kept on shouting on  we are young and powerful our resistance is strong, CORONA  is feeble. but when some people got affected by virus or CONORA started to attack; to killing people. then we came to one's senses, became to a one responsible person after all seriously relationship with CORONA
                      CORONA changed our actual life, our daily routines, in fact all world. anyone did not think that one day will be very dangerous from day to one will die by unknown thing and it will be man made adversity. Now we must to destroy it. If we are not yet serious, then our Death is confirm. cause our scientists could not found medicine. At present stop joking, be attention. Get ready to fight with CORONA. support to government. follow all rules. yesterday we completed Janta Curfew and we all gave best response. Really that was a admirable. Exactly the same like behaviour yourself  as good liable person for best tomorrow. travelling, parties, meeting it's all are preventable, avoid it all for some days. Today's time is in our hand, we can handle current situation as very good, so let's come and fight with CORONA/ COVID-19. stay at safe.........and be seriously relationship with CORONA save yourself and your all parents, friends or best wishers. our this decision can save more life..............!!!

Add Curtis fruits for boost immunity

Use vegetables for health foood

Wash your hand

Keep exercise

        writter by
                             Rajini Harne


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